Angus Syme
Co-Founder & Managing Director - The Flatpack Company
We shine a light on some of Aotearoa's best and brightest.
They shine a light on their favourite 3 Wise Men Clothing.
When you meet The Flatpack Company co-founder Angus Syme, you get the feeling he sleeps pretty well at night. Which, given he’s in the bed business, should come as no surprise.
However it’s also due to the fact that he’s making a living solving a real problem for a large number of Kiwis, as well as enjoying a fantastic lifestyle from the company HQ in beautiful Mount Maunganui.
Not bad for a bloke who just a few years ago, along with his mate and co-founder Cam Leigh, were two naive Otago University students about to head into their first year of flatting.
Only, they didn’t have beds. And bugger all were available in even basic condition at a price that didn‘t require a student loan. Thinking quickly, or, laughs Angus, “Maybe not really at all, Cam and I thought we’d post that we had 40 second-hand beds available, and if any student bank transferred us $200, we would deliver one to their flat on the exact day they moved in.”
Thing was, they didn’t actually have any of their own beds. Worse, in a couple of hours, they had $8000 worth of orders. But, as the saying goes; if you make your bed, you lie in it. So, off they went to knock on graduating students' doors for their beds, before storing their haul over the summer. Next semester, strapping the beds five high on their freshly purchased, $940 Toyota Corona, they delivered them all.
The Flatpack Company was born. Five years later, the second-hand ones have gone, they’ve partnered with established manufacturers, and have sold over 6000 brand new beds to grateful university students. All still delivered on the exact day they move in.
A couple of years ago the boys made Mount Maunganui home for company HQ, with the goal to add furniture to the beds and sell to everyday Kiwis all over the country. Oh yeah, and get some quality waves. “We work super hard,” says Angus, “but when the waves are on, we’re off!”
What this envious lifestyle also means is that when it comes to clothing, it’s all about keeping things casual. T-shirts, relaxed shirts, shorts and jeans are the daily ‘uniform’ for Angus.
Ok, apart from divulging your secret surf spots, any gems for budding entrepreneurs? “Don’t get too caught up on planning, just get cracking. And defo do it with someone else, it’s less stressful and much more fun."
Thanks Angus, you put our questions to bed beautifully mate.