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See something you like that’s not in-stock at your local store? Don’t worry, we can order it in and have it ready in-store for you. Get in contact and we’ll sort you out. Easy as. Beach Towel Towel/Gifting/Gifting/Gift Ideas/Gifts For Him/Gifting/Gift Ideas/Stocking Fillers/Gifting/Father's Day Gifts/Gifting/Gift Ideas/Gifts Under $10070353343345348447346127019343344Cotton Beach Towel <div data-content-type="html" data-appearance="default" data-element="main"><div><p>Introducing the 3 Wise Men beach towel, a wise choice for whether you’re poolside or beachside.</p>
<p>Featuring a terry towelling bold navy & white stripe, featuring the 3 Wise Men logo down the side. Wrap up in style this summer.</p>
<ul style=list-style-type:disc>
<li>100% Cotton</li>
<li>83 Wide x 168 Long</li>
<li>Navy & white stripe with 3 Wise Men detailing</li>
<li>Absorbent terry front and reverse</li>
<li>Machine washable</li>
Product Details
Introducing the 3 Wise Men beach towel, a wise choice for whether you’re poolside or beachside.
Featuring a terry towelling bold navy & white stripe, featuring the 3 Wise Men logo down the side. Wrap up in style this summer.