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See something you like that’s not in-stock at your local store? Don’t worry, we can order it in and have it ready in-store for you. Get in contact and we’ll sort you out. Easy as. Shorts - Navy Shorts17260121769The Bobs <div data-content-type="html" data-appearance="default" data-element="main"><p><span>The Weekend Shorts – are made for summer days. Relaxed fit with an elastic waistband to ensure the perfect fit. Pair with a classic Tee or if you are off to a summer BBQ, pair with one of our short sleeve shirts and New Balance sneakers. Wise choice!</span></p>
<ul style="list-style-type: disc;">
<li>Elasticated waistband with navy drawstrings.</li>
<li>Back pocket.</li>
<li>Faux fly.</li>
<li>Regular fit.</li>
<li>100% Cotton.</li>
<li>S/M: Waist: 42cm (laid flat) | Stretched out: 49cm | Short Length: 40cm</li>
<li>L/XL: Waist: 44cm (laid flat) | Stretched out: 51cm | Short Length: 41cm</li></ul></div></div>NZD00 Bobs Weekend Shorts-M4080 Bobs-XL4080 Sale - 50% Off#b32831
Product Details
The Weekend Shorts – are made for summer days. Relaxed fit with an elastic waistband to ensure the perfect fit. Pair with a classic Tee or if you are off to a summer BBQ, pair with one of our short sleeve shirts and New Balance sneakers. Wise choice!