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See something you like that’s not in-stock at your local store? Don’t worry, we can order it in and have it ready in-store for you. Get in contact and we’ll sort you out. Easy as. Pant - Brown Pants1769218121769River Brown 5 Pocket <div><p>The Huxley 5 pocket is a hybrid that merges the best features of denim with a lighter weight stretch twill fabric. The perfect alternative for the day when jeans just don’t feel right.</p><ul style="list-style-type:disc"><li>Skinny Fit</li><li>Functional five-pocket design</li><li>Brown</li></ul></div>NZD00 Huxley 5 Pocket Pant - Brown-3050120 Huxley 5 Pocket Pant - Brown-3250120 Huxley 5 Pocket Pant- Brown-3450120 Huxley 5 Pocket Pant - Brown-3650120 Huxley 5 Pocket Pant - Brown-4050120 Sale - Last Chance#b32831
Product Details
The Huxley 5 pocket is a hybrid that merges the best features of denim with a lighter weight stretch twill fabric. The perfect alternative for the day when jeans just don’t feel right.