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See something you like that’s not in-stock at your local store? Don’t worry, we can order it in and have it ready in-store for you. Get in contact and we’ll sort you out. Easy as. Samurai Knitted Tie Accessories/SALE/Sale174069121769<div>
<p>In the world of ties and knots and general formal wear, there are of course, some basic rules that come from common sense itself. Rules like you should simply never wear a shirt and tie with the same pattern, or that the tip of your tie should touch your belt. There are a lot of other lesser-known little rules as well though, but these are our top rules. You can thank us later.</p>
<ul style="list-style-type: disc;">
<li>100% Polyester</li>
<p>In the world of ties and knots and general formal wear, there are of course, some basic rules that come from common sense itself. Rules like you should simply never wear a shirt and tie with the same pattern, or that the tip of your tie should touch your belt. There are a lot of other lesser-known little rules as well though, but these are our top rules. You can thank us later.</p>
<ul style="list-style-type: disc;">
<li>100% Polyester</li>
NZD00add-to-cartNoOutlet Sale - Last Chance#b32831
Product Details
In the world of ties and knots and general formal wear, there are of course, some basic rules that come from common sense itself. Rules like you should simply never wear a shirt and tie with the same pattern, or that the tip of your tie should touch your belt. There are a lot of other lesser-known little rules as well though, but these are our top rules. You can thank us later.